Selfcare Routine Classes

Once a week you can take part in a live Selfcare Routine class (including the recording) with me. These self-care routine classes focus on you and your current needs.
Every week and every day is different, especially for us women – we are cyclical beings and our bodies and our emotional world go through the different cycle phases every day, accompanied by an energy high or low. Above all, we experience our outside world as very demanding and there is often little time for ourselves.
With this session, consciously take time for your needs – your self-care routine. This class varies weekly and consists of Womb Yoga (yoga for women), meditations, pranayama (=breathing), journaling, grounding, conscious embodiment, sharing circles and the current time energies.
If you want to take a self-care routine class but can’t be there live, the self-care routine classes will be recorded and are always available to you for one week.
Right here is an overview of the ‚selfcare routine classes‘ for the next few weeks:
Januar 2024:
13.01. um 10.00-10.45 a.m. (MEZ) (45 minutes) – Grounding and Arriving (Pranayama, Meditation)
21.01. um 10.00-10.45 a.m. (MEZ) (45 minutes) – Gentle womb yoga (beginners)
25.01. um 6.45.-7.30 p.m. (MEZ) (45 minutes) – Full Moon Celebration (Movement + Journaling)
Location: ONLINE
Price: 10 Euro
Register here:
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